Rademon Estate Distillery

Nestled in the rolling hills of County Down, Rademon Estate Distillery is an exquisite testament to the unwavering dedication of its creators, David and Fiona Boyd-Armstrong. This remarkable distillery embodies a genuine labour of love, where their fervour for exceptional spirits, Irish heritage, and the splendid estate itself resonates through every facet of their craft.

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Learn more about Rademon Estate Distillery

The distillery’s rich history and natural beauty have seamlessly woven themselves into the tapestry of Shortcross, infusing it with a distinct sense of place. As the Boyd-Armstrongs pay homage to Ireland’s time-honoured distillation traditions, they also celebrate the enduring legacy of the Rademon Estate.

One of the distillery’s remarkable aspects is its commitment to sustainability by drawing on the estate’s abundant resources, with all of its energy harnessed from the sun’s radiant power through solar panels and the flowing grace of hydroelectricity. This harmonious fusion of tradition and innovation underscores their commitment to the environment and showcases their deep-rooted connection to Rademon’s natural splendour.